To set up and use Ad Tags this feature needs to be enabled first. If you cannot access Ad tags from Add New Campaign section or below Creatives Tab, contact your Account Manager.
See here the Bucksense Ad-quality rules in using Ad Tags.

Complete the following steps to run Ad Tags campaigns:

1. Add a new campaign and select Ad Tag as a type of campaign.

2. Go to Ad Tag section below Connection Type & OS and click Create New Ad Tag.


3. Enter a name that you can identify easily and then choose from the drop-down list the type of Ad Tag it is: HTML/JavaScript, Iframe or MRAID for App Campaigns.

4. Select the size of the creative that this Ad Tag points to and choose the Advertiser it belongs to. If the advertiser for this Ad tag has not been created yet, add a new one on Advertiser Management.

5. Choose your vendor for Ad Serving. If the vendor is not included in the drop-down list or it is unknown, choose ‘None’.

6. Select the protocol this Ad tag uses (setting HTTPS Secure ON you declare that you can also support HTTPS protocol) and enter its code in the field provided. For campaigns run on Google Ad Exchange, URLS must use Https and the vendor that provides ad serving has to be declared.


7. Insert Bucksense Click tracking (%%CLICK_URL%%) and Cache busting macros (%%CACHE_BUSTER%%) in the code. These parameters need to be added to let our system know if your campaigns are being correctly served and tracking its performance.
Additional Macros to pass traffic data to our system can be also inserted.
Find the full list below.

Bucksense Ids for Transactions and Supply information MACROS
Click Url encoded “%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%”
Cache Busting “%%CACHE_BUSTER%%
Click Tracker %%CLICK_TRACKER%%
Click Tracker Encoded %%CLICK_TRACKER_ENC%%
Campaign ID %%CAMPAIGN_ID%%
Placement ID %%PLACE_ID%%
Session Bid ID %%SESSION_BID_ID%%
Domain Encoded %%DOMAIN_ENC%%
Device Longitude %%DEVICE_LON%%
Supply Type %%SUPPLY_TYPE%%
Page URL Encoded %%PAGE_URL_ENC%%
App Bundle Encoded %%APP_BUNDLE_ENC%%
Exchange ID %%EXCHANGE_ID%%
App Name Encoded %%APP_NAME_ENC%%
App Store URL Encoded %%APP_STORE_URL_ENC%%
Publisher ID %%PUB_ID%%
Device Latitude %%DEVICE_LAT%%
App Version Encoded %%APP_VERSION_ENC%%
Device Android %%DEVICE_ANDROID_IFA%%
Viewability URL Encoded “%%VIEWABILITY_URL_ENC%%”
GDPR Consent %%CONSENT%%
Creative ID %%CREATIVE_ID%%
Carrier ID* %%CARRIER_ID%%
Device IP %%DEVICE_IP%%
Consent %%CONSENT%%
Consent ID %%CONSENT_ID%%
Connection Type %%CONNECTION_TYPE%%
Device Language %%LANGUAGE%%
Device Type** %%DEVICE_TYPE%%
Device Brand** %%BRAND%%
Device Model** %%MODEL%%
Device OS** %%OS%%
OS Version** %%OS_VERSION%%
Identify for vendor %%IFV%%
Country %%COUNTRY%%

* Find here the Carrier ID list for all countries

** Those Macros are replaced with Bucksense Ids

By default Bucksense takes as Destination URL for Ad Tag creative, the Landing Page URL entered in Campaign Info and Supply Settings section. However, you have also the ability to add the Destination URL in the Ad Tag Code. To do so, insert in the Ad Tag Code this parameter: click_call=http//

*Please note that the URL passed in the click_call parameter must be encoded.

Read more about how clicks are tracked in Bucksense console here

8. Hit Preview button to view how your Ad will be displayed. A Popup window will render the code entered into the field to show you how your ad will be served.


Once this Ad Tag has been saved it can be used for all campaigns associated to the Advertiser selected.

How to edit Ad Tags

Ad tags can be edited further on Ad Tags below Creatives Tab.
From there you will also be able to add new Ad Tags Howtoaddapublisher2

Click on the Ad Tag name from the list to access the details.
At the bottom of the page are listed the Campaigns (Id and Name) and the Offers (Id and Name) that are running with this Ad Tag.
Hit Preview button to view how your Ad Tag will be displayed.


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