Native ads go further than traditional media units providing an in-content experience that generates better user responses. Bucksense is connected to the major sources of native traffic and our formats integrate seamlessly into the content of Apps.

We offer a wide variety of Native Ads Layouts to effectively engage your audience. See below some examples of how your Native Ads could be served on the Publishers’ Apps.

Content Stream Ads

Content stream ads blend into in-App content to create a more appealing user experience. This Ad unit normally displays a main image, icon image, title, product description, call to action and rating.

Content Wall Ads

Content wall Ads are designed to be integrated with multi-tile layout Apps such as news and entertainment Apps. Your Ad will be displayed as a content tile next to other stories and live information.

App Wall Ads

App Wall Ads are placed on in-app pages that contain a list of apps recommended for users. Your Ad will appear on the list as an App editor’s suggestion.

Newsfeed Ads

News Feed Ads are interspersed in App user’ feed with other stories and articles.

Chat List Ads

Chat Ads are integrated into a list of current conversations and feature an icon, title and a brief description.

There are two ways to upload your Ad assets to set up Native ads: by adding them in Ad Units Section of Campaign setup page or on Native Ad Units from Campaign Tab.

How to set up Native Ad Units

1. Click Creatives tab and from the dropdown menu select Native.


2. Hit Native Button Howtoaddapublisher2 and select the Advertiser you want to associate with these Ad Units.


3. Enter a name (you can change it at any time) for these Native ad units and add the creatives: a small icon (80×80) and a main image (1200×627)

4. Add a video if you want to run Native Video Ads (not allowed for  Doubleclick by Google).
To do this, click on the Video field and a pop-up will appear.
If you uploaded the video previously, you’ll only need to select it.
If you want to upload a new one , click on ‘Click here to Create New Video’ (see here to see how to upload videos on the Bucksense console using the Video Upload feature).
Please note that after you’ve uploaded your video, you’ll need to complete your native settings.

5. Add a brief Title (maximum 25 characters) and a Description of your product (maximum 100 characters). This title and description will be displayed on your native ads.

6. Add the name of your brand in the Sponsored by field (optional).
Bucksense recommends to add your brand name anyway, so you can get the maximum from the native inventory available (for example this field is mandatory for Doubleclick by Google campaigns)

7. Choose a Call-to-Action by clicking in the appropriate field and selecting from the drop down menu the Call-to-Action you want show to your users.
If you want to create a customized Call-to-Action, click on ‘create call to action’ and add a Name and a Description (this is the call to action for your campaign)

8. Select an App Rating or Content Rating. If you prefer to not show your App/Content Rating on these ads or there is not any type of rating applicable to your product, choose 0 from the list.

Ad Preview will show examples of how your ad assets could be displayed for each type of Native format: Main Image Preview (Content stream, Content wall, App wall, News feed and Chat list) and Video preview


9. Click on Save Layout. Once these Native Ad Units have been saved they will be available for all campaigns that belong to the advertiser selected.

See here how to create Native Campaigns

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