Tracking clicks and impressions for an ad campaign is vital for measuring performance and effectiveness.
Although not mandatory, we strongly recommend that you track clicks on the Bucksense console, even if you are hosting your creatives on a 3rd party Ad server.
To set up Bucksense tracking, you simply need to insert the provided Bucksense click tracking and cache busting macros in the code, in order to let our system know if your campaigns are being served correctly and performing.
See more details about how clicks are tracked with Ad Tags here

Click Tracking macro %%CLICK_URL%%: you need to add this macro in your 3rd party Ad Tag in order for Bucksense to track clicks properly.
Click URL Encoded %%CLICK_URL_ENC%%: use this macro if you need to add the click Tracking as a parameter in a URL.
Cache Busting macro %%CACHE_BUSTER%%: this macro allows you to properly counting impressions. By adding it in your 3rd party Ad Tag, a new call will made to your Ad server every time the Ad tag is called.

Below we will show you examples related to the main Ad Servers, about how properly insert the Click Tracking, Click URL Encoded and Cache Busting macros in your 3rd party Ad tag, if you are hosting your creatives on one of these Ad Servers:


    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL%% and %%CACHE_BUSTER%%)

    <script language="javascript" src=";click=%%CLICK_URL%%"></script>
     <a href="%%CLICK_URL%%" target="_blank">
     <img src=";srctype=4;ord= %%CACHE_BUSTER%%" border="0" width="930" height="180" alt=""/>
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL_ENC%%)

    <!--IFRAME Tag (General Redirect) // Page: 728x90 // -->
    <IFRAME WIDTH="728" HEIGHT="90" SCROLLING="No" FRAMEBORDER="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" SRC="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=1234;BnId=-1;;target=_blank;misc=[timestamp];rdclick=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%">
     <script language="javascript" src="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=1234;BnId=-1;;loc=700;></script>
     <noscript><a href="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=9479763;BnId=-1;;loc=300;misc=[timestamp]" target="_blank;AdId=9479763;BnId=-1;"><img src="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;loc=300;misc=[timestamp]" border="0" width="728" height="90"></a></noscript>
    <!-- End of IFRAME Tag -->
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL_ENC%%, additional macros are also present like %%PLACE_ID% and %%DEVICE_IOS_IFA%% check here the full Macros list )

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<Web/MobileWeb/App>&pubid=%%PLACE_ID%%&uid=%%DEVICE_IOS_IFA%%"&click=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%></script>
    If you use an AppNexus placement tag as a creative, you need to use the format below
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL_ENC%% and %%CACHE_BUSTER%%)

    <!-- BEGIN JS TAG - 728x90 < - DO NOT MODIFY --> <SCRIPT SRC="" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <!-- END TAG →
    Please use the {CLICK_URL_ENC} macro, if you need to pass an encoded URL in a DoubleClick tag.
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL_ENC%% and %%CACHE_BUSTER%%)

    <script language="JavaScript" src=";net=123456;sz=728x90;click=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%;ord=%%CACHE_BUSTER%%?"
     <noscript><a href=";net=123456;sz=728x90;ord=%%CACHE_BUSTER%%?"
     target="_blank"><img src=";net=123456;sz=728x90;ord=%%CACHE_BUSTER%%" width="728" height="90" border="0"
    You don’t need to add the Cachebuster macro in the Ins type Tag since DCM will fill it automatically.
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL%%)

    <html> <head> </head> <body> <ins class='dcmads' style='display:inline-block;width:320px;height:50px' data-dcm-placement='N5071.792587.AIRPUSH.COM/B20723615.214332513' data-dcm-rendering-mode='script' data-dcm-click-tracker='%%CLICK_URL%%' data-dcm-https-only data-dcm-resettable-device-id='' data-dcm-app-id=''> <script src=''></script> </ins> </body> </html>
    DoubleVerify tags will wrap the tag of your adserver.
    So, if you’re using DoubleVerify with Atlas, the tag will look like the following code. Note that the Atlas tag is contained in the “this.tagsrc” variable. “This.altrc” must be modified to contain a selectable PSA, otherwise the creative will be rejected.
    Consult your DoubleVerify account for more information on how to implement the alternate PSA.
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL%%, %%CLICK_URL_ENC%% and %%CACHE_BUSTER%%)

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     new function() {
     this.rand = Math.floor((Math.random() + "") * 1000000000000);
     this.dvparams = 'ctx=111111&cmp=22222222&plc=3333333333&sid=444444444';
     this.dvregion = '0';
     this.tagsrc = <iframe src=";wi.160;hi.600/01%%CACHE_BUSTER%%?click=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" allowtransparency="true" width="160" height="600"> <scr'+'ipt language="Javascr'+'ipt" type="text/javascr'+'ipt"> document.write('\'&lt;a href="%%CLICK_URL%%};wi.160;hi.600/01/" target="_blank"&gt;&lt;img src=";wi.160;hi.600/01/%%CACHE_BUSTER%%"/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;\');</scr'+'ipt><noscr'+'ipt><a href="%%CLICK_URL%%;wi.160;hi.600/01/" target="_blank"><img border="0" src=";wi.160;hi.600/01/%%CACHE_BUSTER%%" /></a></noscr'+'ipt></iframe>';
     this.altsrc = '<style>\n .container {\n border: 1px solid #3b599e;\n overflow: hidden;\n filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=\'#315d8c\',
     endColorstr=\'#84aace\'); /* for IE */\n background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#315d8c), to(#84aace)); /* for webkit browsers */\n
     background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #315d8c, #84aace); /* for firefox 3.6+ */ \n }\n .cloud {\n color: #fff;\n position: relative;\n font: 100%
     "Times New Roman", Times, serif;\n text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #fff;\n line-height: 0;\n }\n </style>\n <scr'+'ipt type="text/javascr'+'ipt">\n
     function cloud()
     {\n var b1 = "<div class=\\"cloud\\" style=\\"font-size: ";\n var b2 = "px; position: absolute; top: ";\n
     document.write(b1+"300px; width: 300px; height: 300"+b2+"34px; left: 28px;\\">.<\\/div>");\n document.write(b1+"300px; width: 300px; height:
     300"+b2+"46px; left: 10px;\\">.<\\/div>");\n document.write(b1+"300px; width: 300px; height: 300"+b2+"46px; left: 50px;\\">.<\\/div>");\n
     document.write(b1+"400px; width: 400px; height: 400"+b2+"24px; left: 20px;\\">.<\\/div>");\n }\n
     function clouds(){\n var top = [];\n var left = \-10;\n var a1 = "<div style=
     "position: relative; top: ";\n
     var a2 = "px; left: ";\n var a3 = "px;
     "><scr'+'ipt type=\\"text/javascr'+'ipt\\">cloud();<\\/scr'+'ipt><\\/div>";\n fo
     r(i=0; i<8; i++)\n {\n
     document.write(a1+top[0]\+a2+left+a3);\n document.write(a1+top[1]\+a2+left+a3);\n document.write(a1+top[2]\+a2+left+a3);\n
     document.write(a1+top[3]\+a2+left+a3); \n if(i==4)\n {\n left = -90;\n top = [\'0\',\'160\',\'320\',\'480\'];\n }\n else left \+= 160;\n }\n }\n
     </scr'+'ipt>\n<div class="container" style="width: 160px; height: 600px;">\n <scr'+'ipt type="text/javascr'+'ipt">clouds();</scr'+'ipt>\n</div>';
    this.callbackName = '\__dvredirect_callback_' + this.rand;
     var thisRedirect = this;
     window[this.callbackName] = function () { return thisRedirect; };
    var src = '' + this.callbackName;
     document.write('<scr' + 'ipt src=' + src + '></scr' + 'ipt>');
  • ONE by AOL
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL_ENC%%)

    <!--IFRAME Tag (General Redirect) // Page: 728x90 // -->
     <IFRAME WIDTH="728" HEIGHT="90" SCROLLING="No" FRAMEBORDER="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" SRC="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=1234;BnId=-1;;target=_blank;misc=[timestamp];rdclick=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%">
     <script language="javascript" src="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=1234;BnId=-1;;loc=700;target=_blank;misc=[timestamp];rdclick=%%CLICK_URL_ENC%%"></script>
     <noscript><a href="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;AdId=9479763;BnId=-1;;loc=300;misc=[timestamp]" target="_blank;AdId=9479763;BnId=-1;"><img src="|3.0|1234|1234|0|1234|ADTECH;loc=300;misc=[timestamp]" border="0" width="728" height="90"></a></noscript>
     <!-- End of IFRAME Tag -->
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL%%)

     <script type="text/javascript">
     function pr_swfver(){
     var osf,osfd,i,axo=1,v=0,nv=navigator;
     if(nv.plugins&&nv.mimeTypes.length){osf=nv.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];if(osf&&osf.description){osfd=osf.description;v=parseInt(osfd.substring(osfd.indexOf(".")-2))}}
     else{try{for(i=5;axo!=null;i++){axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+i);v=i}}catch(e){}}
     return v;
     var pr_d=new Date();pr_d=pr_d.getDay()+"|"+pr_d.getHours()+":"+pr_d.getMinutes()+"|"+-pr_d.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
     var pr_postal="";
     var pr_data="";var pr_ies="";
    var pr_redir="%%CLICK_URL%%";
    var pr_nua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
     var prHost=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://":"http://");var pr_sec=((prHost=='https://')?'&secure=1':'');
     var pr_pos="",pr_inif=(window!=top);
     catch(e){pr_pos="&pos=x";}if(pr_pos=="&pos=x"){var pr_u=new RegExp("[A-Za-z]+:[/][/][A-Za-z0-9.-]+");var pr_t=this.window.document.referrer;
     var pr_m=pr_t.match(pr_u);if(pr_m!=null){pr_pos+="&dom="+pr_m[0];}}else{if(((typeof(inDapMgrIf)!="undefined")&&(inDapMgrIf))||((typeof(isAJAX)!="undefined")&&(isAJAX))){pr_pos+="&ajx=1"}}}
     if(pr_postal!=""){var przipmatch=/^\d{5}$/;if(przipmatch.test(pr_postal)){pr_pos+="&postal="+pr_postal;}}
     var pr_s=""+pr_swfver()+"&time="+pr_d+"&redir="+pr_redir+pr_pos+pr_sec+"&r="+Math.random();
     document.write("<scr"+"ipt type='text/javascript' src='"+prHost+pr_s+"'></scr"+"ipt>");
    (in this sample search for %%CLICK_URL%%, %%CLICK_URL_ENC%% and %%CACHE_BUSTER%%)

    <script src=""></script
     <noscript> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="
     " border=0 width=320 height=50></a> </noscript>