In the following lists, you can find all the Impression and Click macros supported in Bucksense console.


Click URL Macros are special variables that can be added, when you create a new offer, into the click URL of an ad that is running on Bucksense console.
Every time an user clicks on your ad, our server replaces the macro with dynamic informations about the click, before redirect the user to the URL where you want your clicks to arrive (your landing page URL).

Bucksense IDs for Device Information* Macro
IP of the Client {device_ip}
Device Type ID (i.e. Desktop, Smartphone) {device_type_id}
Device Make ID {device_make_id}
Device Model ID {device_model_id}
Device OS ID {device_os_id}
Device OS Version ID {device_osv_id}
Device Browser ID {device_browser_id}
Device Browser Version ID {device_browser_version_id}
Device Carrier ID {device_carrier_id}
Bucksense IDs for Supply Information* Macro
Supply ID (i.e. App or Site) {supply_type}
Exchange ID {exchange_id}
Publisher ID {pub_id}
Placement ID {place_id}
Campaign ID {campaign_id}
Creative ID {creative_id}
App Bundle {app_bundle}
Site {site_domain}
Bucksense Transaction IDs Macro
Impression ID* {session_bid_id}
Click ID {transaction_id}
Device Identifiers for iOS* Macro
IDFA {device_ios_ifa}
Hardware ID hashed SHA1 {device_ios_didsha1}
Hardware ID hashed MD5 {device_ios_didmd5}
Platform ID hashed SHA1 {device_ios_dpidsha1}
Platform ID hashed MD5 {device_ios_dpidmd5}
Bucksense ID for Location Information* Macro
Country of device {device_country}
Region ID {device_region_id}
City ID {device_city_id}
Bucksense Click Macros Macro
Offer ID {offer_id}
Publisher ID {publisher_id}
Data passed in ts1 or publisher_src1 parameter {publisher_src1}
Data passed in ts2 or publisher_src2 parameter {publisher_src2}
Data passed in ts3 or publisher_src3 parameter {publisher_src3}
Data passed in ts4 or publisher_src4 parameter {publisher_src4}
Data passed in ts5 or publisher_src5 parameter {publisher_src5}
Data passed in ts6 or publisher_src parameter {publisher_src6}
Device Identifiers for Android* Macro
Google AID {device_android_ifa}
Hardware ID hashed SHA1 (e.g. IMEI) {device_android_didsha1}
Hardware ID hashed MD5 (e.g. IMEI) {device_android_didmd5}
Platform ID hashed SHA1 (e.g. Android ID) {device_android_dpidsha1}
Platform ID hashed MD5 (e.g. Android ID) {device_android_dpidmd5}
Mac Address for iOS or Android* Macro
Hashed SHA1 {device_macsha1}
Hashed MD5 {device_macmd5}

Note: Items or sections marked with an asterisk (*) denote that the macro is only available for traffic generated by Bucksense’s RTB platform.


Impression Tracking Macros can be added in your impression tracking url, for creatives campaign types, in order to get additional informations.
The macros string will be replaced with a value when the ad is served to the user.

Bucksense IDs for Device Information Macro
Entire url Encoded %%PAGE_URL_ENC%%
App Name Encoded %%APP_NAME_ENC%%
App Bundle Encoded %%APP_BUNDLE_ENC%%
App Store Url Encoded %%APP_STORE_URL_ENC%%
App Version Encoded %%APP_VERSION_ENC%%
Device Geo position Latitude %%DEVICE_LAT%%
Device Geo position Longitude %%DEVICE_LON%%
Campaign ID %%CAMPAIGN_ID%%
Bid Transaction ID %%SESSION_BID_ID%%
Supply Site or App %%SUPPLY_TYPE%%
Exchange ID %%EXCHANGE_ID%%
Publisher ID %%PUB_ID%%
Placement ID %%PLACE_ID%%
Identifier For Advertiser %%IDFA%
Domain Name Encoded %%DOMAIN_ENC%%
Android Identifier for Advertiser (Only available for In-App inventory) %%DEVICE_ANDROID_IFA%%
IOS Identifier for Advertiser (Only available for In-App inventory) %%DEVICE_IOS_IFA%%
GDPR consent %%CONSENT%%
GDPR consent ID %%CONSENT_ID%%
Creative ID %%CREATIVE_ID%%


These Macros allow you to get additional informations in your Video Events Tracking URLs.

Bucksense IDs for Device Information Macro
Random ID for cache prevent %%CACHE_BUSTER%%
Placement ID %%PLACE_ID%%
IOS Identifier for Advertiser (Only available for In-App inventory) %%DEVICE_IOS_IFA%%
Android Identifier for Advertiser (Only available for In-App inventory) %%DEVICE_ANDROID_IFA%%
Url to notify viewability %%VIEWABILITY_URL%%
Device IP address %%DEVICE_IP%%
Carrier ID* %%CARRIER_ID%%
Campaign ID %%CAMPAIGN_ID%%
Creative ID %%CREATIVE_ID%%
Bid Transaction ID %%SESSION_BID_ID%%
GDPR consent %%CONSENT%%
GDPR consent ID %%CONSENT_ID%%

*Find here the Carrier ID list for all countries



VAST Tag Macros are used to dynamically replace values in the VAST URL to pass informations about impressions to your AdServer.

Bucksense IDs for Transaction and Supply information Macro
Page url Encoded %%PAGE_URL_ENC%%
App Name Encoded %%APP_NAME_ENC%%
App Bundle Encoded %%APP_BUNDLE_ENC%%
App Store Url Encoded %%APP_STORE_URL_ENC%%
App Version Encoded %%APP_VERSION_ENC%%
Device Latitude %%DEVICE_LAT%%
Device Longitude %%DEVICE_LON%%
Campaign ID %%CAMPAIGN_ID%%
Session Bid ID %%SESSION_BID_ID%%
Supply Type %%SUPPLY_TYPE%%
Exchange ID %%EXCHANGE_ID%%
Publisher ID %%PUB_ID%%
Placement ID %%PLACE_ID%%
Domain Encoded %%DOMAIN_ENC%%
Video min duration %%V_MINDUR%%
Video max duration %%V_MAXDUR%%
Video heigth %%V_HEIGHT%%
Video width %%V_WIDTH%%
GDPR consent %%CONSENT%%
GDPR consent ID %%CONSENT_ID%%
Country %%COUNTRY%%
Operating System %%OS%%
US Privacy %%US_PRIVACY%%
Cache Buster %%CACHE_BUSTER%%
IP Address %%IP_ADDRESS%%
User Agent %%USER_AGENT%%