Bucksense’s Advanced Tracking capabilities are designed to provide multiple key data points of the traffic driven to the Advertiser’s offers. To do so, it is essential that Bucksense Pixel is implemented in Advertiser System or site to notify us when conversions occur and let us gather meaningful post-click information, for example user’s device or OS.

Pixel Implementation can be done in two ways: via Global Pixel or Offer-based Pixel when the first option is not supported by the Advertiser System.

Bucksense Global Pixel

Global Pixel lets Bucksense track and attribute conversions for all advertiser’s offers. This makes it the most convenient option when the advertiser has an analytics tool (Google Analytics, Omniture, etc.) or any internal system that supports global pixels.

Bucksense Offer-based Pixel

For advertisers that do not have the ability to support global pixels, Bucksense allows implementing offer-based pixels.  Contrary to Global pixels that only has to be implemented once, this type of pixel must be set up every time you create a new offer in our system.

Pixel code for each offer must be inserted in Advertiser System or the “Success Page” where the user has to arrive to be considered a conversion. For example, on an e-commerce site, this would be the order confirmation or ‘thank you’ page.

How to implement Bucksense Pixel

Our Guide for Conversion Tracking Setup provides detailed information on how to implement Bucksense Global or Offer-based pixels in Advertiser System for every type of tracking method: iFrame, Image Pixel or Postback Tracking.

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